This week, I’m going a little crazy and not writing about the topic from the Broke and the Bookish, which is the top ten likes and dislikes in a romance book. Instead, I decided to write about the:

Top Ten Authors I Want to Send Valentines

1. Stephanie Perkins

Dear Stephanie,

Thank you so much for your YA romance novels. This summer I fell in love with Lola and the French Kiss, and this winter was made bearable by My True Love Gave to Me.

2. J.K. Rowling


Dear J.K.,

Happy Valentine’s day, thank you for filling my childhood with magic and love! You are an inspiration.

3. Maureen Johnson

Dear Maureen,

I hope you feel better soon. You’re tweets never fail to make me laugh, and your book was released just in time for me to spend the day reading!

4. Patrick Rothfuss

Dear Patrick,

Although I am still working my way through your second book, I am loving every second of it. Denna and Kvothe better end up together! Sending you lots of hedgeHUGs (I feel like you are one to appreciate puns)!

5. George R.R. Martin

Dear George,

I feel like we have a different view of what loving a character means, you keep killing those that I love.

6. Scott Westerfeld

Dear Scott,

Thank you for showing me the truth about beauty growing up.

This is all making me smile! 🙂

7. Wendy Mass

Dear Wendy,

You made me cry, but you also inspired me to write. Have a wonderful, colorful, Valentine’s day!

8. Neil Gaiman

Dear Neil,

You drew a monster in my book, but I love it. Not to mention, I fell in love with Stardust right after Christmas. Thank you.

9. Meg Cabot

Dear Meg,

When I think about what I read when I was younger, I remember the boys you made me fall in love with. Whether he was King Arthur come back to life, or my best friend’s brother.

10. Rainbow Rowell

Dear Rainbow,

Every book I have read by you has made me smile (all except Landline). You have created characters so vastly different from what I expect that I can’t help but root for them.

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